Whether you breast feed or formula feed, you are doing your best and that’s good enough

Midwife and founder of Mummy’s Organics, Odette Abououf says, “There is an awful lot of pressure on new mums to get it right with breastfeeding. Unfortunately it’s not an exact science and establishing breastfeeding is a learning period for mums and babies that can take at least a week. Sometimes things don’t go to plan and there can be problems with sore nipples, babies not latching or latching incorrectly, and these problems can then contribute to poor milk supply. 

A common cause of milk reduction can be a poor latch, occasionally due to a tongue tie. Another cause I often see is starting too early with introducing bottles for night feeds. I would recommend expressing milk only once in the morning when your milk is at its best since overnight milk production is more efficient.  

Diet & nutrition are especially important as are grazing overnight between feeds. I recommend using an organic breast feeding tea, like our Breast Milk Booster Tea (£6.50 mummysorganics.co.uk) that is high in Iron and seeds beneficial in promoting milk and easing colic. 

It’s hard work breast feeding while you are sleep deprived. Bonding with your baby and getting lots of skin to skin and enjoying these early days is super important. This can sometimes be lost in the stress surrounding breastfeeding issues. Whether you breast feed or formula feed, you are doing your best and that’s good enough.”