Raise money and support for Breast Cancer patients, survivors and supporters this Christmas


This Christmas Bioflow and The Pink Ribbon Foundation are re-releasing their limited edition pink sport flex magnetic therapy wristband as the perfect stocking filler for those wanting to support breast cancer survivors, patients and supporters.

Whilst the October #breastcancerawareness month is over, what continues is women getting breast cancer, six per hour, 144 per day, 4,320 over the Christmas month of December, as does the fight to continue raising money and awareness.

Retailing at £30, Bioflow is committing 10% of sales of all Bioflow Pink Ribbon bands to the Pink Ribbon Foundation. Money raised by the sales of the wristband will support further investment into important care and support for breast cancer patients, their families, carers and all affected by the 12,000 women’s lives breast cancer claims a year.

This is the debut of Bioflow’s two year fundraising partnership with the Pink Ribbon Foundation. Richard Corsie, MD, Bioflow, comments.

“We will all be wearing pink to show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness at Bioflow. I hope that our partnership with the Pink Ribbon Foundation will help their brilliant efforts and support a cause which is close to many of our hearts.”

Bioflow’s Central Reverse Polarity Field technology is a multi-directional force of magnetism within the Bioflow Sports Flex Wristband. When blood passes under this, Bioflow’s magnetic technology stimulates and energises cells, encouraging blood flow and cellular activity within in the body to promote regeneration and repair.

For those looking to Wear it Pink and support Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Bioflow’s Pink Ribbon wristband is available online at www.bioflow.com/uk