9 in 10 women in England experience an episiotomy, grazing or tearing during labour. Out of those, 1 in 7 will have an episiotomy during the birth – an incision made in the perineum, the tissue between the vaginal opening and the anus. The procedure is no longer standard, but your health care provider might recommend an episiotomy if your baby needs to be quickly delivered.
Episiotomy recovery is uncomfortable, that’s why Natural Birthing Company have formulated ‘Bottoms Up’ – a soothing bottom spray to relive the vulva and perennial area following childbirth. Especially or those who experience episiotomy’s, tears or grazes. To be teamed with Pure Bliss Soothing Compress Solution, £16.99, Boots, which soothes and calms your delicate intimate area after birth, bringing immediate relief to a tender perineum, reducing the feeling of swelling and supporting the tissues to heal (including a Caesarean Section wound).
Don’t Shy Away From Pain Medication
“Even if you are breastfeeding, don’t suffer the pain in silence. Painkillers such as paracetamol can help relieve pain and is safe to use if you’re breastfeeding. Check with your health provider before taking ibuprofen. If your pain becomes more intense and does not subside, visit your Doctor immediately as it may be necessary to treat the pain with stronger prescription-only painkillers, such as codeine.”
“Make sure your freezer is filled with ice packs and ice cubes post-birth. Try placing an ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a towel directly onto the area of the cut. Just make sure to avoid placing ice directly on your skin as this could cause damage and further discomfort.”
“Exposing your stitches to fresh air can help the healing process. I recommend taking off your underwear as much as you can while at home and lying on a towel on your bed for around 10 minutes. Also, make sure underwear is cotton which will allow your skin to breathe.”
“Post episiotomy, many women can become nervous of passing urine due to the discomfort. To ease this sensation in the weeks after the procedure pour warm water over your vaginal area to rinse it post urination. Pouring warm water over the outer area of your vagina as you go to the toilet may also help ease the discomfort. You may also find squatting over the toilet, rather than sitting on it, reduces stinging.”
“If women are nervous abut a pee, the thought of a poo can cause sheer panic. When passing a number two, I suggest placing a clean pad on the area of the cut, and press gently. This will relieve pressure on the cut, which will ease some discomfort.
“Until you are ready. There is no right or wrong time to get intimate again. Take it at your own pace, after all only you know your body. Do not put your body through unnecessary pain – say no until it feels right. Don’t forget you can also get pregnant as little as 3 weeks post-partum.”
“It’s vital that you monitor the cut for signs of infection, to prevent any further treatment or pain. This includes redness, swelling, discharge, pus, constant pain or a pungent smell. If any of this occurs, contact your health provider immediately so they can provide the treatment you need.”
“Exercise may seem like the last thing on your mind right now as a new Mother, but strengthening the muscles around the vagina and anus by doing pelvic floor exercises can help with healing and will reduce the pressure on the cut and surrounding tissue. If you’re not sure how to do this, ask your midwife next time you see them.”
“It’s easier said that done for a new Mummy, but your body needs time to heal itself. The most natural way it does this is through sleep and rest. Take a snooze every time your baby does, you deserve it right now.”
“Warm baths are your friend right now, as it will ease any discomfort and pain. Just be mindful not to add any bubble baths or fragranced products – this can irritate your cut further.”